Monday, March 03, 2008

My First Week

Late for every single class available. Hurray. And wasn't reprimanded for any of the days too. Uber..

Things don't look as scary as they did previously. Which can only be a good thing.

Found out that I have a lot to read and that I may read myself to death by the end of this semester. The worst part of it all, I am not very much of a reader before and definitely not much of one today. So.. that is 'sucky-thing-about-university' #325 on my list checked.

I am so tempted to post out the things I have to read for this semester but that would only make me a whiny complaining b*tch and that is a title I was hoping not to achieve anymore so no whiny post by me because I am positive now! (quote Meng Yen)

Despite of all that, I still had time to go clubbing on Thursday which is a strange enigma to crack. Lololol.

So what else what else.

So boring but this is what my timetable looks like *yawn*.

Monday: 12-2(Lecture)
Tuesday:1-3 (Lecture)
Wednesday:11-1(Lecture), 3-5(Tutorial)
Thursday:9-11(Lecture), 11-1(Tutorial), 1-3(Tutorial)

Yala, yala everyday got class can or not.

I have a strange suspicion in the coming weeks, I am going to miss the lecture on Thursdays.. a lot.

Fingers crossed hopefully not!


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