Monday, July 16, 2007


Had my first day of Semester 2 today.

Semester 2 looks promising. As usual workload can be quite heavy but adaptable.

Extremely tired and sleepy.

Lack of sleep the night before. Not used to waking up so early.

Bad thing of this semester is seemingly the fact that i have 4 morning classes out of 4, two 9am and two 11am. But should be ok. At least forces me to wake up in the morning which is, a good habit. Makes me sleep earlier too.

Met a primary school classmate today in the cafeteria. Looks like he just started his course. Until now still don't get why people actually opt for A-levels as their Pre-U program after high school. Now he's 6 months behind and there's no special conditions for him just because he was at A-levels. And dont even start on the UK studies thing. Almost any another 1 year Pre-U programme can go UK already.

I think I shouldn't pour such negativity(i.e, last post) into my blog anymore. I always thought such expressive behaviour will make me feel better but actually it's quite the opposite. I'll only think more about the so-called 'problem' I have by attempting to post it in the blog. It's like, maybe at the early stage it wasn't as critical but because I thought of the problem more at various angles to be posted in the blog as written form, it only made me think much more. more than necessary at least.

So, I'm a changed man.

At least I hope to be.

May this semester bring me newfound joy, happiness, and good grades.



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