8 days more.
It's getting closer..
I woke up at 7pm on Friday. Not a good sign. Especially having an exam in less than 2 weeks.
Bwahaha. Btw, I dedicate this post to my final class teacher, Ms. Josephine! She teaches me chem(oh the irony) and is kinda cool really. Apparently she's the female version of Ariff or vice versa. She's not any ordinary science teacher.. She loves acting angry to scare the shit out of everyone. Thx for being a good sport this whole year Josephine!
7 most Memorable moments :-
1) Sent Kelvin Tan out of the Chemistry Lab after he intentionally spirked water onto her. The funny thing was, the whole class was shooting water to each other just the week before during the same class. Hahaha. This has to be number one here. This incident is in the running for the funniest event of 5science1 too :D
2) Made my life a living hell after being extremely 'honest' with my Dad during report card day. Yeap, no modem for 2 weeks. That's the one.
3) Tried 'comforting' me at Genting when i lost my wallet there after Form 3 when she followed my class to excursion. Lol good effort.
4) Helped me score an A for science in UPSR. She thought me in Junior 6 too.
5) Gave me a 6C for Chemistry for my forecast. <-- That's good by my standards.
6) Her evil laughter.
7) Her lameness.
This is her, not a good picture..but it shows her true..personality. Just look at those eyes... *shivers*

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