Tuesday, April 22, 2008

No one likes reading other people's emo stuff because everyone has their own pre-existing issues to deal with already.

*points to title* Yep, it's true.

Anyway I've finally completed and submitted my very very long and exhausting international studies assignment on the International Criminal Court. Yes cue the yawns.

When I was at somewhere 2/3rd of my essay, my brain literally felt... "dry". Omg. Really man. Any sort of juices be it creative or intellectual ones were completely dried off at that moment of time and I could actually feel it. That feeling totally sucks and it's the ultimate case of all ultimate cases of severe writer's block.

So I likened my assignment-writing to driving a car with an empty tank (if you actually bothered to read my personal message on Windows Live that is).

Cause its true! I had nothing in my mind working and I was just forcefully 'vomiting out' sentence after sentence and then the attempt to make it look coherent and 'flowy' was only done as a process of itself later.

Hey my "car" barely moved and I had some distance to go but I was patiently pushing through foot-by-foot knowing that if I just keep going regardless of the rate I was moving, I would eventually reach the destination and so I did T_T omg so inspiring.

Very torturous. In fact these 2-3 weeks would be and are very torturous for me. :(

I have 2 more assignments due this Friday and they're all like damn many words lah WTF LA ARGH@@#$@%@!!

What a rude awakening Year 2 is. Last year the bunch of us had our lecturers patiently coaxing us and we started off like systematically with easier assignments with less word counts and then only moved on to the "heavier" ones later in the semester which weren't so "heavy" anyway now that I think of it.

But this time no fore-warning for you LOSERS!!! 2500 word essays as your first assignments and how about having all of them due almost at the same time?!!! BWAHAHAHA!!

As you can see, I've gone slightly mental.

If anything, I think it's the lack of sleep I had today and yesterday. Yes I blame the lack of sleep. 10am isn't a really good time to crawl to your bed, is it? Especially if you have classes couple of hours later. Must-not-get-used-to-it-alex-yeo!

After this week and hopefully come sometime mid-next week, I'll be a much.. lighter man with much.. lighter burdens.

Come on Alex. Think of the destination!


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