Tuesday, April 08, 2008

"I am Fine" is the World's Biggest Lie

Just when all seemed smooth-flowing and 'tranquil' again, you just know that something you do not wish to happen will happen just because it will and it must for whatever reason it might be.

Be it a philosophical scientifical natural law thing of the way the world operates or some intellectually-moulded or mere 'biased' religious assertion, it WILL just happen.

That is why when someone answers "I am fine" to an over-asked insincere(like the other person really cares) "How are you?", that person who answered is lying(as much as the person who asked was, but that's another topic in itself reserved for another day). The sole reason being, no one in this world can be or feel fine. Because, one reason being the impossibility of everything going 100% for a particular someone and another reason suggesting that 'being fine' itself is already so subjective that one's fine may differ from another fine. Someone may have his house burned down or his dogs kidnapped and that could be fine for him but for another, at least for me, it isn't 'fine'.

And besides, if we were to generalise 'fine' on an international worldwide scale, the word wouldn't even exist anymore because we will never come to a general consensus on what fine is. Like I said previously, no one will be satisfyingly, fine because for one, nothing goes 100% for anyone even if you're Bill Gates and secondly, even if it somehow seems and looks 100% smooth-flowing for that particular someone (which will never happen because that's just the way it is), that particular someone will NEVER feel the same way cause we are all humans and we are weak in that way. The never-feeling-satisfied way.

However sad that could sound, it's the truth. Face it.

So I've drifted a great deal from what I wanted to say originally about nothing going 100%(at least for me you living-in-denial prick).

Oh, how right I was.

Yesterday, my Internet connection at home went kaput for NO reason at all.

I'm 200% positive that my modem is perfectly fine but for some annoying reason I just cannot access the Internet.

Very, very annoying.

Which proves my 'depressing' theory all the more.

I'm now blogging from my university's "library and learning commons" and it's a struggle because I've got to switch to a new browser or minimize the page immediately when someone walks behind me. Now now, you certainly do not want anyone anonymous from your university to be reading your blog, would you? Or even knowing you are blogging at the library you pathetic loser for god's sake, for that matter..

I'm hoping now that miraculously my Internet connection somehow gets revived when I go home later as exceptionally as how it died. But experience and being Alex Yeo tells me otherwise.

Ok. Excuse me now while I go 'check my university email' for the 999th time.


1 comment:

Alex Yeo said...

I thought of it and just realised I could write a whole thesis about the politics of feeling "fine".

I understand that my 'brief' explanation up there is opened to alot of debates but I think I have alot to rebutt as well.

But I wouldn't because there is no reason to do so and time could be better spent on my assignments which are due very soon.

But I'm just typing here as a sidenote to remind myself. An Honours thesis topic perhaps?

(sidenote: such as.. is feeling 'fine' implying satisfaction? are my arguments up there leaning towards the similarity of fine-ness and satisfaction? can you be unsatisfied but fine? but is feeling unsatisfied and fine an impossibility? is that hypocritical in itself? how can you be fine but unsatisfied when human nature suggests that no one can be satisfied thus making it NOT FINE!)

I can't believe I have become so boring. Really cannot get this up to the main post.

Oh wow. I'm talking to myself again. That is where Arts will get you.. scary.
