Tuesday, April 15, 2008


It was the usual case of Assignment Anxiety all over again.

The more I proofread my work, the more erroneous and worst it gets.

Happens without fail. Nothing in my life gets more definite and indisputable than that.

It became so bad that the final skim-through had me cringing through just to get to the last page.

But when the assignment submission box is within touching distance next to you, all you could do and muster at that particular point is to forcefully shift your mind to something else for that few vacuum-like seconds, drop your assignment in and walk off as quickly as possible from that spot which you had probably occupied for the last many minutes you spent doing nothing but flipping your papers front and back, which wouldn't change anything at all, really. And you know that. But anything for a sense of closure and satisfaction at that point.

No question, the toughest and most tedious assignment I had ever done in my whole very limited but still evident, university career.

It strikes you when all which seemed to move isn't your pathetic looking word count but time.

It strikes you when you go to bed at freaking 10am in the freaking morning and skip two classes on two different days and it has something to do with your assignment.

And even after all that, there is no closure.

There is no satisfaction.

Welcome to University.


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