Monday, June 16, 2008

Pest of the Day: Rats

I think there's a rat somewhere in my house.

Wait. Make that many, many rats.

It's not because my house is damn filthy or what. But it's the bloody electricity attic on top of the ceiling thingy lah.


Yala damn geli I know so stay far far away thanks. Better for me since everybody knows how much I hate being the host and people coming into my private lair bwahaha. Sounds damn selfish I know. But I love my personal spaces tankiu veli mucho. Eventhough it could be rat-infested wtf.

Aih. I really really want to blog and post a non-filler post, i.e. finish my Japan Series photo collection(yes still got), and posting sexy pictures of myself(haha), but my main computer still cannot access to the internet and I'm damn lazy to transfer the files over via a pendrive.

*grumbles grumbles



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