My parents felt that 2 years is more than enough so they decided to celebrate the CNY back where it originally was.. Malacca. For the past 2 years, the Yeo family had been celebrating the CNY at my place, Shah Alam as they feel a change is required to toss away the old same routine and the boredom it may bring. But it isn't easy having a reunion at ur place. So...yeah.. :)
The trip back to Malacca was a relaxing one as the car had 2 ppl less this time. :D
It was definitely less fun but at least my sister and I got a bigger space to rest in the car for the journey there..

Damn jam wei. Frustrating!

Sun setting down on me.. :(
I left on CNY's eve so the jam was kinda obvious. Sigh. The supposedly 1 hour trip doubled in length and I had to suffer in the car. :(
Went straight to the hotel to drop stuff and went to the restaurant for the reunion dinner. Late as usual, being the Yeo family. Bwahaha. Met relatives and all there.
Pretty awkward as the the environment feels the same every single year. :/

Incomplete Yee-Sang. A must have for every CNY dinner
Went to my grandma's hse after that for the ang pau sessions from my aunty and uncles and of course, the gambling session. Bwahaha. I lost the most that night btw..compared to the other gambling session I had. ARgh.

A game of 21
Also played Mahjong and lost once again in the hotel with my cousins. !!!! Damn unlucky wei..Not noob ok? I got the set and all..but sometimes not enuff points to win.. or just plain lousy tiles. :(
Bah. I'll leave the rest for Part 2. :) Food pics coming up. Meanwhile, pls do call me for some mahjong or blackjack sessions. And I want to attend open houses! Don't forget to invite me pls..for all the good reasons :)
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