Sunday, January 08, 2006

T1<--my class

3 days into college, and i'm not feeling fantastic. The subjects are okay and all but i realised adapting takes harder then i thought it would be. Chinese speaking friends will go for chinese speaking friends. English speaking friends seemed to have a group originally already. The guys in my class are either booksmarts or dota freaks. Maybe it's better if I don't make that many friends and only a few. That'll be better for my studies. But wouldn't I be branded as a loser then. *Gasp*
Maybe.. I should just stay on the fence and don't get distracted too much to be on the friend-friend side. That way, I can be nice to everyone and still have time to study. Sounds like a suitable part to play in.


Specialist maths i realised is not easy. Yea. Just first day into it and I know.
It's a subject I have to work extremely hard on.

Was warned about punctuality on handing assignments and coming to class too.
Gotta change.

Need to buy books desperately. Some prices are just ridiculous. And they don't allow photostated books. Maybe i'll just photocopy some if i'm really desperate.
I shud had bought them earlier. The seniors have already sold most of them.
Possibility of books being sold out is high.

Still meeting my cahayian friends regulary despite the tight timetables. During breaks and esp after classes. Monday-Thursday is stressful. 8-3 with an hour break in between. I finish at 1 on Friday. Seemed much more relaxing.

Re-newed my profile at the side there. Pls tell me if it's out of place or right at the bottom. Cause it's supposed to be there, right below my chatterbox. ZZz.

Transportation still is a big problem for me. Now I got Kelvin to send Chrisanne and I home everyday with a pay.
Going I have serious problems. Gotta start looking for Shah Alam-ers to fetch me there.
Called my driving instructor just now asked about Undang. He said he was driving or something and will call me back. He didn't.

Life is sad as a colorblind and a November boy.

New friends, driving license, subjects, books, new friends, driving license, subjects, books.
What am i gonna doooooooooooooooooooooooooo?


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