I liked that night at Space a lot. It was also the night when I noticed (or confirmed rather) that I cannot properly get a grip of myself under the influence of liquor. That being said, I feel extremely.. happy when I'm tipsy/high. Like a form of happiness I've not felt ever since I left high school. Shit damn emo but it's true. =( I dunno why. Maybe it's the out-of-shell thing sigh dan lain-lain la. I was showing WL a pic of myself in form 5 then he said 'woah I've never seen you smile like that before without alcohol' :/

The picture I was referring to T_T
Omg why ar. I also dunno why. Maybe it's the need to be more serious and less playful when you go to college. Maybe it's the various sorts of expectations weighing down. Hmmm. MY was probably right when she said to club is a form of escapism we take and hence enjoy doing.
Ok emo moment aside, here are some photos of my journey to Space minus the astronaut suits :o damn lame.
It was the last day of my exams and I slept for zero hours the night before! Right after the final paper I went with the group to Redbox and I remember being damn sleepy omg. Skipped my dinner later for a 2-hr nap right before hitting the club.. but still!
Lack of sleep + empty stomach + liquor = not a very good sign.
On the way
SJ harassing me. As usual.
I need a haircut.
Still a steady and composed Alex.
Still somewhat there..
I got dimple
Caught red-handed hah
Pictures here-forth I was in my happy land already.
Bev, me, MY
Uh huh
No caption
SJ damn scared of me hahahah
Group photo Take 1!
Group photo Take 2!
A bit gone hah
Really gone hahah what is MY doin!
Sigh MY taking advantage of me
Bev and I
Too close for comfort *gasp
Are you..
..judging me..
Messy hair + red eyes + funny expression = Gone.
My blog so that explains all the pictures of me wuu. And also have to self-censor some photos! hahaha. When I get the photos from last night maybe I'll post it up or something see first. If this is gonna be my pastime for the next 4 months woah bye money and hello (bigger) beer belly man.
Ok. Healthier productive lifestyle starting next week I promise!
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