The pre-birthday clubbing session! Hah! Nolaa.. at least it wasn't planned like that on purpose.
Ok entering clubs is such an hassle for the few of my friends and I because KL suddenly decided to be super strict recently and noooo. And summore knowing me who cannot take rejection cooly... sigh.
And so many people were saying how Poppy was very strict on the age(21) bla bla bla but we decided to try our luck anyway. So the days leading up to the Poppy night I was busy thinking of Plan Bs and Cs and Ds sigh boo.
But wtf entrance was so much easier than expected! They didn't even check our IDs wah can you believe it. The plan to didn't shave must have worked hahaha!
I got a strange feeling I'll be seeing these people ALOT this summer break..
Oh I also need to mention how pathetic we are when it comes to getting drinks for clubs hahaha. Ok so we're all not exactly filthy loaded rich and being STUDENTS, we're always damn broke when it comes to getting bottles man. So we always resort to the cheapest bottles they have that night or something. And even then our wallets will be damn empty after that! Sigh so sad. So now you can think twice if you wanna hang out with us rawr just kd.
But I think we'll be going less frequent now la anyway.. since almost everybody has found jobs and is working already.
Vernon, Me, MY, HK
You know, the stupid thing about me is I almost ALWAYS agree to do things like these when requested..
Me, looking rugged and Bev
They're all over me *smirk*
I remember at this point the effect of Photo #3 has started to kick in and my head was spinning already.
Me, WL. Take 2.
Take 3.
My Monash girls and I. Out-of-focus like cock.
Now focused but I lost my gaya-ness zz
Spot me. We're a bunch of happy people on the dancefloor!
Yen's hair threatening to wack my face
The gang. Interesting lighting.
Richmond wtf? I asked Vernon the cameraman why did he have to cut my face into half. He said "to make you look thinner" :o !!!!!
This photo looks like the one I took in Space the other time hahah. I never learn.
I look so horny here :o!
Tired Nick, WL, Bev and I
Me strangling Bev. Yen damn obscene boo.
And lastly, the customary 'gone' pic. hahah
Healthy life starts next week I really promise! Since everyone is working already.. plus my birthday being over.. plus a start of a new month... Must fulfill I dun care no excuses man. Duno if I should post my bday celebration photos up or not hahah.. see how la when I get them first.