Thursday, January 03, 2008

2008 Countdown @ Bukit Jelutong

The countdown to this year for me didn't involve any heavy partying + booze or even come to think of it.. a countdown even omgz.

Teck Kuan and some others instead organised a bbq party cum mini high school gathering in a park somewhere in Bukit Jelutong. It wasn't exactly 'happening' but (coming from someone who is very flexible and doesn't get bored easily - yes, it's true), I found it nice that I got to meet the people whom I have not met for quite some time now and catch up on things. Nice isn't exactly a good adjective to use in this context but what the heck.

It was a coin toss between a party in Curve or this gathering but I chose the latter as I already partied in Curve last year and I wanted to take a diff approach this time around to welcome the New Year cause I am one who like trying new things hoho.

Ok I bet everyone is getting damn bored already reading all this shit so here are some photos I took of that night. Yay I love long sentences.

Photos below are self-explanatory.

We had our own fireworks yes it's true. Besides the stunning visual display of fireworks, the one thing which really excites me in a non-erotic way about fireworks is the loud bang resulting from the explosion when it hits the skies. ah.

Random photos of people who went:

TK, Kim, TE, YY. TK pls stop closing your eyes in photos thx.

Tk and Cez

Clockwise from Top Left: TK, Sheera, Allen, Prav, Adrian, Kelvin

Gaya charcoal pit(is that what you call it)

Prav, TE, YY, JX, Cez, KW

Richmond with a paper plate, Sheera

Me, my messy hair and my clubbing kakis bwahaha.

Shot #1

Shot #2. noob.

Y do I look so shy and extra fat here hahaha.

Kim: Alex, enough laaaar.

Haris at far left. Adrian looking very happy.

A pic with me in it. They're rare. Cherish them.

KY at far left. Posers galore.

The only pic I really like from that night.

And that adds up to less than half of the total amount of photos I took that night. They're more in the Countdown 2008 album I posted on Facebook(if you're interested).

The reason why I said there wasn't any countdown was because I was randomly taking photos of random people and the next thing I know, someone lighted up the fireworks and it was then when I only realised it was 12am. Zzz. so potong stim one. And got abit of liquor lar. Which explains why some people look high high dei in the photos but we didn't really consume much. At least I didn't.

Wow it has been a while since I filled up a post with that many photos from an event.

Took damn long omgz.

For now, I am currently running late to attend a dinner in the Curve(yes we got no where else to go one), so I guess that's it.


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