Thursday, November 01, 2007

Exam Hiatus

I'll like to blame my hiatus on the exams which I'll be having in a few hours time but I wouldn't cause I'll just be lying to everyone cause it was not like I was using the break to study anyway which obviously sucks but it's not like I can do anything about it now cause it'll just be all too late.

But then just now, I was really studying. Like really really forcing myself to memorise and understand the stuff I was reading. 'Happily' browsing through the lectures slides on the ever unrealiable MUSO(Monash University Studies Online) site.

So bla bla bla, I was randomly surfing through couple of notes, forcing myself to memorise those stupid jargons and difficult theories and concepts when I decided to shift to another .pdf file.





*pulls hair wildly and screams*

Sorry Dr. Jega,

if my answers are as incomprehensible as my handwriting,

then you know who or what to blame.


exam ends...technically,.. judging by the time now... tomorrow. so cya all.


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