Monday, January 30, 2006

CNY Part 1

My parents felt that 2 years is more than enough so they decided to celebrate the CNY back where it originally was.. Malacca. For the past 2 years, the Yeo family had been celebrating the CNY at my place, Shah Alam as they feel a change is required to toss away the old same routine and the boredom it may bring. But it isn't easy having a reunion at ur place. So...yeah.. :)

The trip back to Malacca was a relaxing one as the car had 2 ppl less this time. :D
It was definitely less fun but at least my sister and I got a bigger space to rest in the car for the journey there..

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Damn jam wei. Frustrating!

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Sun setting down on me.. :(

I left on CNY's eve so the jam was kinda obvious. Sigh. The supposedly 1 hour trip doubled in length and I had to suffer in the car. :(

Went straight to the hotel to drop stuff and went to the restaurant for the reunion dinner. Late as usual, being the Yeo family. Bwahaha. Met relatives and all there.
Pretty awkward as the the environment feels the same every single year. :/

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Incomplete Yee-Sang. A must have for every CNY dinner

Went to my grandma's hse after that for the ang pau sessions from my aunty and uncles and of course, the gambling session. Bwahaha. I lost the most that night btw..compared to the other gambling session I had. ARgh.

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A game of 21

Also played Mahjong and lost once again in the hotel with my cousins. !!!! Damn unlucky wei..Not noob ok? I got the set and all..but sometimes not enuff points to win.. or just plain lousy tiles. :(

Bah. I'll leave the rest for Part 2. :) Food pics coming up. Meanwhile, pls do call me for some mahjong or blackjack sessions. And I want to attend open houses! Don't forget to invite me pls..for all the good reasons :)


Friday, January 27, 2006

Goodbye once again, Adrian Chong

Just last year, when Adrian left for Perth after his holidays.. I honestly didn't feel anything at all. It was only this particular return to Malaysia he made that had caused the strings to be rebonded.

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Honestly speaking, however gay it may sound, I feel like I wouldn't be the Alex Yeo I am today if I had never gotten to know him. Eventhough it was obvious he was finding me an average boy in his classes, I still felt much respect for him.
It may be because of his sister or just his frequent first positions in class. He was smart, friendly and fun to be with as well during my end of primary school years and start of secondary school.

I felt that I could relate to him most among others, and thus.. I had made him the guy I would talk to everyday. Primary school term : Best friend.

He was a damn nice kid that time. As in, no vulgarity.. no bad doings and stuff. Being his 'good friend', I had to control myself as to not get influenced into the darker side. I was seriously very easy to be influenced and I was quite sure Adrian was the one who had prevented me from being a terrible gangster-like kid. :)
I guess indirectly he helped me achieved my excellent PMR results. Bwahaha.

Eventhough we looked like worlds apart when we were buddies that time, we still had some very interesting similiarities!
Like, we both thought Kelvin was _______?
We both played table tennis?
We both discussed Wah Lai Toi movies?
And etc etc etc.

Honestly, I did and do not know what he thought of me that time. Maybe he was just 'layan-ing' me as I was talking to him everytime. I don't know.
But I think the friendship should be genuine. :)

When he left to Australia in Form 2, the first few days of school was extremely different. I think I felt the lost of his presence among the class. I remembered looking out of the window in my classroom on the day he was flying to Perth, wishing I could see the plane(omg how gay). It was kinda sad.

Like everyone knows, I'm not a very social person.. First few months of Form 2, I spent time walking alone, eating alone and spending time alone. It was only after a while which I realised I could not avoid the rest of my classmates and then joined the Praveen and Kelvin gang.. which had resulted into today's chain of friendship. :)

It is nice thinking about the good ol' days I had when Adrian was still in my class.
The dumb games we played, the times he helped me in something. Bah.

When he came back for holidays for the first time, we met up of course and hung out.
But slowly... the more he leaves and returns, we(the classmates) did not feel the need or urgency to go and see him anymore to be honest. Some ppl even thought he just come home and calls us out as he got nobody to hang out with. But this has changed in his most recent trip here. :)

Of course he's not the goodie boy Adrian anymore. He drinks, and.... stuff.
I do not even know if he still finds the friendship genuine or not.

All I know is, he will be leaving this Sunday on the 29th and won't be back till December.
And for that, I wish him all the best.
There is a possibility of me being able to study in the same environment with him next year.
And I'm sure he will make it there. The decision lies on me now.

Definitely not as close as we used to be but his company is still full of laughter and fun. Bwahaha.

And this post has no gay intention whatsoever.
It's just a post to wish him all the best this year.
And also to say that, for the first time in many years..
I may miss his presence once again.

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Thursday, January 26, 2006

CNY eve eve's eve

I can't believe it's approaching the end of January already. So fast.
Just the beginning of this month, I was in UK and about to start college.
Now, i'm already 1 month or less into college and feeling all stressed up already.
Well not really, but still! So much work. Nooo.

I have chosen a topic on aliens and life in outer space for my ESL research project.
I know it's quite common and every year there's surely some guy who would choose it. And that guy this year in my class is me.
I can't think of anything else already. I'm not in a very inspired mood in the first place and secondly, I suck at thinking of topics anyway.
So if any of you guys got sources for my topic.. or just happened to come across an article on it in the papers or something, pls do inform me. I'll appreciate it to the max.

Transportation's a little less worry now. Chrisanne has gotten her cousin's driver to fetch her and myself to college everyday with a pay of course.
I don't mind. IT's so much more convenient.

Bloody JPJ rejected my letter stating I was colorblind. _|_ They want a DOCTOR's letter. Not an optimetrist. Damn dumb rite? Screw it la. Just wanna delay their job.
It's gonna be around June I predict till i finally get my license. Sucks.

Learning HTML programming for my IT studies currently. May practice new stuff on this blog. ;)

Adrian's flying back to Perth this Sunday. Since i'll be leaving to Malacca tomorrow till Monday, tomorrow's gonna be the last time I'll be able to see him till December.
If I work hard enough, I hope to see him in Melbourne U next year. IF.

Everyday I don't get enough sleep and the effects are showing already.

I don't know what else to update on.
Praveen's flying on the 9th next month, Shyan on the 14th. Koi Lin I believe on the 12th.

May only be able to send Praveen off since it's at night.
The others.. omg. Must think of solutions!

Asia Cafe has lousy food.
Salmon Steak is affordable.
Kopitiam opposite Asia Cafe selling Chicken Rice is nice.
I've never been to the Pasar Economy Rice stall yet.

Not gonna worry about getting banned at Blueserver anymore so I'll just leave games.
I need something to control me from playing games.

CNY this sunday. Quite excited.
Mood's gonna be quite dead too anyway since many cousins and siblings cannot make it.

I really wanna go Melb U next year.
I really wanna score well for SAM finals.
I really wanna understand everything I'm studying.
I really wanna be able to socialise with every single person.
I really wanna show my parents I'm actually working for my future.

I really wanna.
But just not desperate enough.


Sunday, January 22, 2006


I have an ugly blog.

and I feel like drinking Chivas Coke.



Thursday, January 19, 2006

It's a Thursday

Latest update :-
1)Still got alot of homework
2)Transportation still a problem
3)Adapting to the new class
4)Starting to like the college life of studying
5)Loving my hair
6)Still feeling like an ass
7)Gotta plan a day to collect deposit from school
8)SPM results rumored to be on the 28th of Feb. Not looking forward.
9)Still an ass
10)Allen's birthday this Saturday(may find it interesting to be blogged about)
11)No inspiration to blog


Sunday, January 15, 2006

alexeO v.06

Another week of college begins tomorrow. Sigh.
It's like this clock which keeps ticking.. leaving you behind if you slack a little.
It just goes and goes.. if you don't catch up, that's your problem.

Soon enuff.. I may just be lost in this wheel of time.
I'm trying not to. But there's this force which is pulling me behind. Hard.
My other half. The lazy Alex half.

To simplify things, I have not yet done the work which I was supposed to do.
And classes start very soon. I feel like I just got dismembered by the Butcher from DotA. Sigh again.

My driving instructor hasn't called back. As expected. What a fag.

I realised something on my bed last night.
As I was blanketing myself, I thought of the reasons why I find it hard to adapt so easily to new surroundings.
I realised that, I am very very picky when it comes to situations.
It's like..
Ppl can accept another person easier than i do. For example, during this random grouping presentation thingy I had for ESL class, there was this guy who doesn't really know what Reality TV is and english was kinda on the weak side. But this other guy, who seems to be fluent in english and know as much or more than me.. just listened and corrected him as if it wasn't his fault or something and went on with the discussion without a single look of disgust or without an insulting tone.

I mean.

I feel so bad. I was like.. half heartedly pitying that fella on why was he such lowly exposed, giggling deep down inside me. But this other guy I mentioned.. just accepted it so.. like nothing at all.

I realised I've been an asshole throughout my whole life. Who am I to judge ppl anyway? I discriminate ppl. I criticise ppl. I insult them.
And all this while I thought I was doing it because EVERYONE does it.
But that's not true. It was only me. It's not like I say it out.. I just think to myself deep inside.. However, the fact still remains that...

I'm an ass.

No wonder I have problems with my transportation everyday. I have received the punishment I deserve. Sigh. I am really sorry to the ones I felt that way to.
You guys dont know who you are. Thank God for that.

I went for my haircut finally just now.
I didn't cut it alot. Trimmed a little.
Shit. Dad may diu me later. He loves seeing my hair short.
But it's not. I know he wouldn't be happy.
And he's in the room beside me now.
How how how.
Meeting him for dinner later. Gotta play the ignoring game later and just smile at his remarks.
Especially now that I've..

*drum beats*
..dyed my hair.

yes i did.
it would be easier to show pics.
since pictures show a thousand words anyway.

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Image hosted by

I love it. :)


Friday, January 13, 2006

Desperation to the next level

I think it's very uncool that I have to depend on different sources of transportation everyday.

Super inconvinient as well.

I called my soon-to-be driving instructor yesterday regarding my Undang test. He just told me he will submit my colorblindness letter to the JPJ and call me back to inform me when can I sit for the test. I don't know if that's an excuse or what but I have serious doubts on whether he will be calling back or not. I shall bug him later to force him to help us asap. In us, i meant chrisanne and I. If it's really more troublesome for a colorblind person to sit for undang, I'm just wasting Chrisanne's time. This sucks. I have given the opportunity for someone to create a super good excuse out of thin air. It's not my fault. Blame the genes. :P

I don't know when will I finally see myself holding my driving license. If that day is tomorrow, then today will be the happiest day of my life.
I'm troubling different ppl everyday. I do feel bad and guilty too. So far, thanks 1st sis, praveen, kelvin, vernon, gadafi.
It'll be nicer if that list doesn't grow cause I owe alot to them already. But it will. I know it.

So new rules, eh? Government trying something funny. By allowing u to sit for the lessons only after 1 month after getting ur Undang over with. Thx for troubling your citizen here who needs to get his ass to college everyday just to help improve the country's economy in the future. U're not really helping, just to let u know.

My college is fine. So far. My classmates are cool. It's just that it's me who's not doing the talking. They already have a regular joking gang already. Only that I'm not in it. It's me. I'm Alex. I'm not a very social person. I am trying. Sigh.
Classes are okay. So far understandable. Gotta start my mathematical studies homework soon. I need practice.

I screwed my ESL Show and Tell presentation just now. Don't ask me about it. I dowan to be reminded of it. It's just not easy performing in front of ppl whom you are thinking what they are actually thinking about u. I do not have that problem last year. That's because, I know everyone.

How much do an average college student spend per day anyway? I've been paying RM5 for my meal everyday. I duno if that's too much. Sounds costly. I don't use RM5 on an average basis in school. Zzz.

So 2nd week of college has ended. And I don't really miss school yet.
I really need my license. My Proton Waja is waiting for me at home.
I am getting.. impatient.
I'm worried one day I'll just drive off from home.


Still need to Drive

Still very desperate for a driving license.
It's getting to another level now.

It sucks. Sigh.

Got some presentation to do for ESL tomorrow. Some show and tell kinda thing.
Duno what to do yet. Cmon Alex. Best speaker for debate?? :P U can do better!

How am i going tomorrow?
How am i going home?

I don't know. :/


Sunday, January 08, 2006

T1<--my class

3 days into college, and i'm not feeling fantastic. The subjects are okay and all but i realised adapting takes harder then i thought it would be. Chinese speaking friends will go for chinese speaking friends. English speaking friends seemed to have a group originally already. The guys in my class are either booksmarts or dota freaks. Maybe it's better if I don't make that many friends and only a few. That'll be better for my studies. But wouldn't I be branded as a loser then. *Gasp*
Maybe.. I should just stay on the fence and don't get distracted too much to be on the friend-friend side. That way, I can be nice to everyone and still have time to study. Sounds like a suitable part to play in.


Specialist maths i realised is not easy. Yea. Just first day into it and I know.
It's a subject I have to work extremely hard on.

Was warned about punctuality on handing assignments and coming to class too.
Gotta change.

Need to buy books desperately. Some prices are just ridiculous. And they don't allow photostated books. Maybe i'll just photocopy some if i'm really desperate.
I shud had bought them earlier. The seniors have already sold most of them.
Possibility of books being sold out is high.

Still meeting my cahayian friends regulary despite the tight timetables. During breaks and esp after classes. Monday-Thursday is stressful. 8-3 with an hour break in between. I finish at 1 on Friday. Seemed much more relaxing.

Re-newed my profile at the side there. Pls tell me if it's out of place or right at the bottom. Cause it's supposed to be there, right below my chatterbox. ZZz.

Transportation still is a big problem for me. Now I got Kelvin to send Chrisanne and I home everyday with a pay.
Going I have serious problems. Gotta start looking for Shah Alam-ers to fetch me there.
Called my driving instructor just now asked about Undang. He said he was driving or something and will call me back. He didn't.

Life is sad as a colorblind and a November boy.

New friends, driving license, subjects, books, new friends, driving license, subjects, books.
What am i gonna doooooooooooooooooooooooooo?


Wednesday, January 04, 2006


SAM Orientation was today. It was.. awkward. In a sense that.. everything was so..alien. So just plain weird :/

Amazingly, I woke up an hour earlier before my alarm somehow. I think it's due to the jetlag I'm facing. Zzz. I also finally shaved off my moustache and chinaman beard. :( I look freaking weird now. Sigh.

So basically, I arrived in the morning. Then called up my friends. Walked up the stairs to the freaking HIGHEST floor and met Teck Kuan..and tried to collect my student ID and timetable. But what the heck.. the line was so freaking long to the classroom i was supposed to go to. And that time I wasn't even sure if i was at the right queue. Bah.
So I left. And went all the went down. Then I went all the way up again. Then down. Then up again. Sweated like an old dog. Wtf man. There goes my 'clean' image.

Finally got my stuff at that very class. And met up with more of my friends.
Then went to the class I was assigned too. And met my..other classmates. Who were kinda friendly.. but most of them shared a similiar feature. One guy introduced himself to me and said hi. I did the same. Sigh. 2 more friends said hi. I replied.
=/ Seeing the class I'm gonna spend 11 months with, I believe it should be okay.
I'll learn to socialise more. I have to.

Met up with ex-classmates at Starbucks and chatted a while too.

Classes start tomorrow.
I'm not looking forward to it at all.
When I told my ex-classmates I'll be doing Physics, they gave me that ..'look'.
Zzz. Damn offended. But shall prove them wrong. Bwahaha.

Mind not ready for studies.
And to think of the transportation problem stresses me more.

Who's gonna fetch me to and fro everyday.

What a troublesome start to my 2006.


Tuesday, January 03, 2006


College for me starts tomorrow. I wonder how's the situation like in Seri Cahaya today. It's gonna be weird having school without Alex there. Bwahaha. Gd luck to schoolboys and schoolgirls anyway. To the form 5s, don't follow my footsteps and struggle at November. Pls start early.

ADP also had their orientation today. So far, I only know 2 ppl that's doin ADP.

Many courses gonna have their first days tomorrow. Including mine.

My 1 month holiday has ended so quickly. I think it's the 2 weeks trip I had that has eaten my time I planned to use to laze around. Bwahaha.

And I can't even drive yet. I have not even sat for my Undang. Wtf. Damn mafan for me cause I got some colorblind problem. Gahh!! I only went for the first seminar thingy.

Who's gonna fetch me to college then? :(
Hopefully I can get my P by.. around February. Sigh.

Not ready at all.
Duno what to do.
