Thursday, June 02, 2005

Toilet paper, pls!

Sigh. What a tiring tiring day. Last night or early this morning i should say, i slept at 3am, earliest so far since the start of the holidays. Ok i actually went to bed at 2am but i couldn't sleep because i woke up at 4pm that day. So i tossed and turned and finally got to dreamland an hour later. What a waste of time. Gosh i was struggling to actually fall asleep! Why can't i have the same tired feeling i have everytime when i wake up??! ARgh. Unfairness. Btw, i went to bed that early was because I have some kinda Bm Tuition Exam at 8.30am the next day, which was this morning.

Woke up at 7.30am. Noooo. Tired like shit but i got out of bed anyway.

Arrived just in time for my exam thingy and spent a good 5 hours there doing 2 BM papers.

So after the whole stressful exam thing, I took Kelv's transport to have some lunch first since i didn't eat anything from morning. And oh yea, we wanted to look for the Undang place too.

Freaking. And this has to happen.

Suddenly, out of nowhere, my intestines ached and shouted for pain. Gosh. Not even a single warning! My tummy ached like hell in the car. It's not those normal stomachache where u need to shit badly thing. Or those really painful gastrics. It's a combination of both. *Scary music plays*

Anyway, i decided to tahan a little while more as the feeling may just, u know..go away. So erm, arrived at the cafe.. ordered my food(still holding in the pain), and ate. Finished my food. Pain gotten worse. Then i decided i should just go to the toilet. ASAP. *please note that i'm still very tired due to the lack of sleep the night before*

This was where the real fun started.

Hahaha. Freaking dumb. So i did my thing in the really comfortable toilet for a lil while and as i was getting ready to 'leave', wtf. The worst possible thing happened.
Looked left, no tissue. Looked right, no water.

(silent pause)


I eventually got of the situation though. Clean. Though not very, but still..clean.
So erm, the moral of the story is. Pls check if u have the 'resources' in ur respective toilet before using it. 10Q.

Hahaha. I can't believe i just posted that.
Appreciate it while i have not deleted it yet.


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