Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Mid Term Examinations

Day One
Moral - I answered exactly like how I would answer for SPM if that's the paper
EST - 2 Papers - I'll cry if I get anything lower than 2A..
Day Two
BM 2 - Sastera part was gay, as expected. The rest was fine. Typical BM paper.
Eng 1 - Not really 'sastifed' with 2ndEssay. I can't wait to see what i score.
Day Three
Bm 1 - Honestly, I thought I did quite well.
Eng 2 - It's english. I am extremely modest when it comes to english. I duno.
History 1 - I am worried. Everyone found it 'okay' but I thought it was tough.
Day Four
History 2 - If yesterday was tough, today was the impossible. I only started my essay with 30 mins to go. I tembak-ed the best I could..
Day Five
Maths - 2 Papers - Paper 2 was quite difficult. I didn't do some questions. Paper 1 balanced it all though.

Summary of Week One:-
Ok...Difficulty for some papers expected. Some turned out easier than expected more turned out slight more difficult. But it was all fine. Week 2 is coming. Worried like anything. Gonna get owned badly. :(

Day Six, Week Two
Physics - 3 Papers - I expected to suck more. I didn't. whopee!
Day Seven
No papers
Day Eight
Chemistry - 3 Papers - Imagine this. You expect a paper to be tough. Then it comes out 2X tougher. Worst paper of my entire life.
Day Nine
Additional Maths - 2 Papers - Tough. Well what's the surprise? It's add maths, duh. However, i may just pass it this time. We'll see. Hopefully.
Day Ten
No papers

Summary of Week Two:-
No comments.

Day Eleven, Week Three
Biology - 3 Papers - A typical tough Bio paper. Why the F am i saying everything is tough? Cause it is. And i'm stupid and lazy to study. That's y.

Summary of Week Three:-
Happy that it's all over. Screw Bio. Bwahahaha.

Last updated, 11th July, 5:22PM..

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