Thursday, December 25, 2008


For the longest time, this was one of the most emotional Christmas Day ever. Screw that, make that the most EVER.

I don't know if it was Coldplay's version of Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas that I heard earlier or something else, somehow this Christmas made me think so much about the people around me and myself.

I didn't even celebrate Christmas to begin with. I only started a few years back solely as an excuse to party. And then I started celebrating with my family at around the same period of time as an excuse to join in the stereotypical exchanging presents and family-bonding fun.

I had so much fun counting down Christmas with my friends just now. And I believe the dinner with my family later will be the typical Christmas-y affair which is great, really.

Can I just take this opportunity to show my love and appreciation to my friends and family.

For all the times you stood by me

Merry Christmas folks.


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