Wednesday, April 12, 2006

My Nokia 3250 first review

Hello all. This is gonna be my very first review ever on my new Nokia 3250 which I just bought yesterday.
This is also called a first review as I only used it for one day so far and I'm just gonna review on whatever I've discovered for that one day and simply my first impression on it. It is also gonna be short. So it's actually MY personal review/opinion and should not be considered for public viewing.

So anyway,
I love it.

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My Nokia 3250 lying proudly on a table.

Everytime I look at it lying just like that.. I think about how cool and gaya it looks.
But I bet you don't know one thing which makes the gayaness 3236236X


nono. not any ordinary camera twist. Its keypad! Twistable!!

One twist and you get a camera mode.
Another twist and you get the music player mode.

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Twist once for Camera Mode.

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Twist twice for Music Player Mode!


And it's black too. Extreme gayaness. And sexy too.
Anyway I couldn't consider any other colors anyway as they only had black/pink available then.
So obviously I chose BLACK DUH.

My previous phone was a Nokia 6600.. bought it quite early after its release. And I didn't upgrade it at all.. So I still had the 32MB memory card which didn't enable me to do anything at all.
So basically, this phone differ so much that my opinions are probably a norm for some who are more used to advanced Symbian phones.

The speaker quality is quite good. I like it. No complains.

However, the camera seems to be lacking slightly. It isn't as good as other 2megapixel camera phones somehow. Well it's definitely better than my 6600's camera duh. But even reviews said it isn't that good if compared.
I think the reason behind this is because of the phone being mainly focused on its music player functions rather than the other functions.
the video quality seemed to be lacking to quite an extent too.

I still feel its camera is manage-able and it's pretty good.. just not AS good. get what I mean?

And another negative to this phone would be .. it doesn't support chinese characters.
Well not yet anyway.
So the chinese songs the ppl there helped me install all have funny boxes and codes.
Yea it's not like I can read chinese anyway but I know abit abit and at least I can agak agak it better than funny codes and boxes. :(

So I'm still in the process of trying to rename the files on the computer then transferring it back in as somehow I cannot rename any of the songs in my hp.

Puting all those aside,
the phone is still very very good for me.
It's just so damn cool.

Can you even resist the twisting of this phone?!

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It's pretty thick too. That's why I love it even more.

And oh yea, another thing.
It has Symbian OS which supposedly enables you to install applications in it and all from websites.
HOWEVER, sadly enuff.. its symbian version is TOO NEW!
So I basically CANNOT dload anything as of now because it say bla bla bla unsupported. Zzz.
Not to fear as I got a feeling new more updated and advanced applications/games will be coming my way which only my symbian version can dload! Bwahahaha.

I only managed to dload one game btw. Very very cheap loooking java volleyball game and I deleted it straight away. Sigh. I shall wait!

I also transferred most of my fav mp3s to the phone. Pretty fun. Now I can listen to them wherever I am.
I also am in the process of sorting out the tracks and arranging in nicely into proper track lists.
I also still need to figure out and delete some chinese songs which I have no idea what songs are those. Some are quite nice though. So i shall keep.

First day impression, excellent I would say.
Really catch the attention of many when used.
I shall/may review the phone again another like wat? few weeks or months from now.

Bye bye Nokia 6600. I will miss you. :( || Hello Nokia 3250 :)


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