Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Tag #2

Tagged by SzeJia during my break from the net.
So here it is.



1. 5 things found in my bag
- Books - Readers, Unit Guides, Unit Books, Monash Handbook.
- Stacks and stacks of messy notes - both self written and printed.
- Highlighter
- Shades/Glasses in one box.
- Stapler and Pen.

What? What do you expect from a guy's schoolbag huh.

2. 5 things found in your wallet
- Gym Membership card - Yah dont give me that look.
- Identification card - 13 year old face.
- Perfume test paper thingies - you know those rectangular piece of soft cardboard they give you to test the perfumes? yea. i have that to make my wallet smell nice.
- Random Sticker photos - With people I don't really care about. Haha.
- Foreign notes - I collect them.

Money not much though, pretty broke.

3. 5 favourite things in your room
- Computer
- Bed
- Cupboard
- Rolling comfy chairs
- Have I mentioned, computer?

4. 5 things you've always wanted to do
- Super long holiday break in the Bahamas or some super nice beachside resort.
- Sing on a stage to a relatively large audience
- Get hooked up
- Organise or design something which ppl will acknowledge and praise me for
- Produce movies/short films.

5. 5 things you're currently into
- Assignments.
- Planning of a storyline for my first short film or movie.
- Thinking how to get my life back on track
- Digital camcorders.
- Nescafe Mocha.

6. 5 persons that you tagged
- Nick Cheong
- KarWai
- Joseph Yap
- ZhiVen (do u read my blog still?)
- Whoever who wants to do it.

End of tag.


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