Sunday, December 03, 2006


Currently planning a trip to Kuching. Brief details on the trip can be found in my 5science1 class blog. CLICK!

Yes. I've screwed up and lied to myself once again.
I was supposed to work on a writing project of mine but unfortunately,
till now,
all i have is myself to present.

Today I went and enquire a few stuff regarding my future course.
At first I went there with Architecture,Arts, Design in my mind.

But I went home thinking about Advertising, Marketing, Communications.

Actually, those are exactly what I wanted.
And I thought Arts and Design courses offered that!

But after much enquiring,
I realised that those advertising stuff are available in mass communication!
And I always thought mass comm only offers PR stuff or whatever.

But advertising is really under it.

I like to be the brains behind an ad.
Be it a billboard ad or a TV commercial ad,
i want to think of ways to attract customers etc.
That, for me, is interesting.

I've also been told that I wont be doing the programming side of it, which is great, really, because I can just order 'those ppl' to do the job for me. Hehe. HOWEVER I WANT IT! *evil laughter*

So mass comm was always wat I wanted?
Well I'm still much confused.

Taylor's(my college) has a School of Communications which they recently partnered with UniSA and they now offer their degree programs which is totally parallel to THEIR communication program. Which is great for me.

They have 3+0 and 2+1 courses.
Which I don't know is a good or bad thing.

Because I DO WANT to go overseas as soon as possible.
But at the same time, I think I just may not be independent enough.

So my contrasting sides are totally shadowing my ambitions.

I'm also sure there are other Advertising courses in other Unis next year. Not necessarily I have to go UniSA!

So now I'm confused again. For different reasons.
Do I want to go overseas or do I not want to just yet?

And if I do, do I want to go UniSA or other universities which offer similiar courses.

If I don't, do I really want to do the Taylor course and be under Taylor management again for 2 years? And happily send my frens off in the aiport, one-by-one? And be less independent by the day?

The weightage is so equally balanced it's killing me. I can't decide.

And it's not that I'm really cleared that I'll for sure do the Bachelor of Communcations bla bla bla wat shit Media etc.

Because I may still be interested in the Melbourne U Creative Arts course.

So which is which and what is what.

I really don't know.

And if i do achieve the minimum score, will i apply for Creative Arts in Melb U? Or still stick to my Communications Advertising course? Does that mean I will go overseas then if I do achieve the minimum score required? But what if i don't go overseas but I achieved the minimum score required? Should I go overseas or should I not? Should I do creative arts or mass comm if my marks are good enuff for both?

I don't know.

I really don't know.



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