I received my Forecast results today and eventhough it wasn't impressive, somehow or rather, I just wanted to show my parents what I've achieved. They clearly showed their unimpressed faces as 2 lecturers of mine gave me exceptionally low forecast results for their subjects which I think may not be fair to my liking. -__-
No prizes for guessing what those 2 subjects are. ><
My mum then brought up my brother's academic file to show me HIS forecast and final results which were very good. I then saw MY OWN ACADEMIC FILE and decided to dig through it to see wat precious records i may find. :D
The most surprising thing was my Kindergarden's progress report!

It was damn cool. I don't even remember having it. It was like recovering an artifact from 18 years ago.
I didn't know my kindergarden Peter and Jane somewhere near or in Taman Megah was so precise and all. Apparently they claim they are guided by the Montesorri method of Education, London whatever that is. But it sounds good. ;)
But anyway, they actually have such detailed analysis about me! In different aspects!
I damn lazy to take photo of every single detail(and most of them are boring anyway) so I just took the first 2 sections. Haha.
And ehh, it's not like school where the teacher remarks are full of insincere compliments and stuff which sounds too good to be true. This is kindergarden where one's growth is essential to be monitored! So if anything's negative it will be negative. Bwahaha.

Me aged 3 going on 4. :)
I then found my primary srikl report card which wasn't erm, very nice.
The only nice page was my Standard 1 page where I was 5th in my class for the first semester and 3rd for the final. :D Then came the following year when I had a drastic drop to 14.. then the following year which I was reaching the tail end of the class... and ...yea. :/
If anyone doesn't know yet, I had 4As for my UPSR out of 5. Bloody Karangan Paper. Argh. But such results were good by my standards at that time... Me being the 'average' kid. But no one can be satisfied rite? So when I had that results I wanted more-loh. :( I don't know where my results slip went. Damn.
I then found my PMR slip too! Which made my heart twitched in delight again the moment I had my eyes on it.

Bwahahahaha. simply unbelievable ok!
To be among like the wat? 15-20% among my peers to have obtained 7As and above. And not forgetting I wasn't a bright bright kid?! Walau. Seriously damn happy. I still remembered my reaction! Kelvin was there beside me. Haha. Haha. Shit. Haha.
My SPM slip was among the thick set of papers too.
I have never told anyone publicly about my SPM results before. So this is gonna be the first time. It wouldn't matter now anyway since it's a year ago already. :|

I know it consists of many numbers and alphabets unlike 'some' people's which only has A1 and A2.
But if you see properly, I actually obtained 3A1s and 3A2s making them a total of 6As! And if include the tiny A1 at the right side, it's 7! XD
Some schools actually include that okay when giving out awards. -_- My school didn't. Zzz.
I know the 5C is ugly but.
It's just me.
and and also.. my results actually quite 'unique' in it's own way!
if you see properly.. From the top to bottom.. It's ... Dua, Satu, Dua, Tiga, Satu, Dua, Tiga, Empat, Lima, Satu... :o
So it's.. 2...
It is actually in order! Haha! Only I got such results I bet. *bangga* So dem special lor.
So finally this year, my college year.
I have not sat for the finals yet but it's gonna be very soon.
So all I got now is my FORECAST results. Results which is predicted by my lecturers.
Speaking about those prediction,
I seriously not really that happy lor.
A friend of mine who obtained around my results throughout the year has a grade higher than me. And it matters ok?
Because I got a freaking D for my forecast.
Damn deng rite?
One more grade to C summore. Honestly it would look better if I had 11C or 12C la.
Not.. 10D. Goddammit.
Luckily I don't intend to do engineering anymore man. The 2 most crucial subjects. Spec Maths and.. Physics.
Yala. My physics got D also.
Damn suck man.
I checked alot of ppl's results in the class and I saw no Ds ok?!
How come only me! I'm not the worst also!
10D <--passing mark.
But once again, engineering subjects. :(
However if you see the Subject average for the whole of SAM,
you can see I only had 2 of those subjects LOWER than the subject average.
The rest I got higher. :D
One proud mark can be ESL. I damn thankful to my lecturer for that one. I thought she was gonna give me 16B! Bwahaha. At least it looks better la with ESL.
But 2Ds. Cmon man. Universities see also get turned off la. Haih.

And apparently,
I saw the scholars forecast and realised their subject average is different from normal!
Theirs were comparing with the OTHER scholars!
It was freaking cool to see such high subject average for the 5 subjects. O.o
But but...
Their subject average for Esl... was.. 15!
Yes. Once again I'm looking at the very small details which can make me happy.
Like beating the top scorer of the country in 1119 for SPM. Hahahaha.
My conclusion is,
my results. Are NOT that bad.
At least I don't think so.
The reason I obtained 2Ds was wat I think the choice of subjects.
I'm just not scientific enough.
Maybe I can right a long winded essay which requires thinking better.
My holiday started liau. Going back to college next thursday then friday will be the last day of college.
The week after that will be a study leave for the students.
My class took photos with our lecturers today. Pretty sad considering it took me one whole year to get to know everyone better and we're all gonna seperate again.
And then it's gonna be back to square one and the whole freaking process repeats again.
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