Sunday, October 19, 2003

Good day.

Ahh, a Blog. Of my own...
Finally, after so long... a blog of my own finally exist. Each time, I explore, read and enjoy someone's blog, my heart races and my body trembles with excitement. I smile each time as the will to blog keeps on rushing inside me every time I check out a blog. It wasn't long before i figured out that i should be sitting down bloggin instead of thinking about my miserable, sad, useless, happy, fun, pointless life...and what i should do with it next. I have too many things in my head to blurt out. I don't use a diary. I'm just simply too lazy to pick up a pen and write what happen each day in my life in my little journal or diary. I rather waste my time typing on the keyboard and post it in my weblog or what i love to call E-Diary.
The reason simply being I stare at the computer more often than anything else. Except.. u know....the usual stuff... :P Nonono, not that... i'm talking about my revision books!:P

Well, since this is my very first post i'm actually posting...I hope to give a good impression to every reader reading this right now...=)
Firstly, thank you all for visiting and indirectly listening to what i have to say. I don't think i'll be giving my biodata now as everyone reading this right now should know me already. Frankly speaking, i don't care how much anyone knows me. As long as they know me, they know me ... =)
This blog will hopefully tell people what i actually think, feel and hope.
Please do not misunderstand. I did not make this blog to make people pity me, love me, or anything that has to do with me. The reason i'm making this blog is just to make myself feel better. Since i'm actually blurting out everything that is in my head.

Ok ok...enough with the introductions....
I think i've made my statements clear enough to begin blogging~
Wuhoo!! Time to have fun and feel good! =)
Well, i'm not gonna start today. I'll probably wait for comments now and wait for the results of how many people will actually come to my blog often!=)
Well, i'm not forcing anyone here to VISIT ME EVERYDAY!!!
Just come here once or twice when u have nothing to do....ya know..when ur bored and stuff..
Maybe there's this time,when one of my posts actually adviced and helped you in any way :P or maybe you realised i got the same problems with ya or something...=/
U can email me~( and maybe we can be friends!
Hehe...ok...i'm getting a little lame now... i guess i've done whatever i could have done for my first post here in my blog! I apologize for my 'not-funny' jokes. I'm not a good joker. = (
Ok...that's enough...i think. Thanks for coming once again.
Peace Out.

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