Melbourne so far.. Day 70 or so..
Just a little over 2 months, and yet, I feel like I've been here.. almost forever? Minus the familiarity with the places part.. I am really feeling comfortable in a lot of ways possible. But I will remember to not fully immerse myself in such comfort and remind myself that time would ultimately still somehow remain as an obstacle or barrier with adaptability!
I don't know why, maybe it's the new found freedom, maybe it's the place, maybe it's the people but I've become such a party animal I somehow always need a weekly fix. Easter was such a great period really. I always took my Easter breaks back when I was in Sunway for granted (used it to sleep-in mostly), but the Easter I had here was a total shift. I had something fun to do everyday and I didn't want it to end but it did. Obviously.
The first few days post-Easter I was actually emo-ing over how I can no longer party the way I did and have fun haha. How there are no more "Easters" in Melbourne sigh. :( But I shall decide if I would want to extend my stay here in Melbourne sometime during the end of the year. Work or postgrad. Both suck, but such is life, right?
I'm currently very sleepy, so I am just typing whatever that's on top of my head now.
Ok. I shall post some overdue photos for my friends who are concerned back home and everywhere else in the world.
This was my humble room on the first day I moved in. Looks smaller, (but not much trust me) from this angle.
This is my room today:
Pretty damn awesome? :D
You can't see it here but on the left side of the photo is my mirrored built-in robes which is my fav part of the room HAHA.
This was Richmond's room on the first day.
This is Richmond's room post-move in.
I don't think you guys care about the living room or other parts of the apartment in general so I'm not going to bother. But on the whole it is quite equipped today and tidy. And my apartment looks so mediocre verging on torturous to the other apartments I've seen or been to here in Melbourne.. but considering our situation at that particular point of time, I really can't find any reasons to complain at all.
So I've also started cooking coz it's both fun and economical compared to eating outside every day.
I made chinese soy sauce chicken on the first day this week which wasn't very successful at all HAHA so no photos were taken unfortunately. But it ended up tasting ALMOST the same so I guess credit given where credit's due HEHEHE. But super tak puas so I'm gonna attempt to make it again!
This was the first pasta I made, even before the soy sauce chicken, because people tell me pastas from jars are one of the easiest and filling things you can cook yourself.
Spaghetti Pork Bolognese
So it was pretty dry, and the spaghetti felt sticky. But it tasted pretty above average so all's good I guess.
For someone cooking meat or stirring the pan for the first time that pasta is a pretty darn good achievement ok.
Then after the first experience and receiving advices and help from family and friends around, Richmond and I made pasta again recently and this was what we came up with:
Riccioli Bolognese
And it actually tasted pretty good. So much so that we wondered if it was the different sauce or the expertise of the chefs. Hehehe.
The next day I thought of making the ultimate chinese CUISINE of several dishes + 1 soup so this was what we came up with:
The COMPLETE meal.
Curry Chicken with Potatoes. 5/5
ABC Soup. 3.5/5
Steamed Egg with Minced Pork. x/5
LOL HAHAHAH. I KNOW THE EGG LOOKS SUPER FAIL BUT FORGIVE ME LA DO YOU EVEN KNOW WHAT I HAD TO WORK WITH HAHAHA! I told Karina it looks like I made a yellow swimming pool for the pork instead sigh haha. But don't worry I will perfect the technique one day! And the thing is it actually tasted not bad! The meat was well marinated by yours truly and it wasn't as bad as it looks actually... just take it like a new dish la.
Ok I duno what I'm typing already. Damn sleepy stayed up doing assignments.
your room looks awesome!
but i'll only give you a 1/5 for your ABC soup, i'll cook mine instead and you'll know whats a 5/5 hahahahaha :D
eh gimme some of your recipes!
lol kk hear up
prepare carrots, potatoes, 2 tomatoes (if only for 2 person), onions and chicken.
just throw everything inside a boiling water. cook it and leave it for 45mins to 1hour. if the soup is done the colour should be thick yellow with abit of orange with the chicken well cooked. take alook at the carrot and potatoes as well. eating/tasting them will help.
after all that put salt accordingly to your tasting. and you should have an almost perfect ABC soup!
p.s this style is time consuming tho. but traditional-slow-cooking-way's like that wan la :D
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