Saturday, March 21, 2009

I Am Alex In Melbourne

Hi. This is me blogging for the sake of it.

Melbourne's so far so good, really, nothing more I can say.

The weather is a little strange undoubtedly but it's not something I have not expected before I came here.

The people are mostly nice, locals and other foreigners alike, it's all so far so good.

My apartment's not the best ever, not the largest, not the brightest, not the most welcoming even, but it is definitely pretty cozy and homey. My friends over here who have visited says it looks quite comfortable - I cannot agree more.

University does not seem easy at all, but I'm prepared for it. Lots to read, lots to do, lots to overcome, but I will do my hardest and try my best in every aspect of it. As much as my capabilities allow me to.

Commuting to university by train thus far does not seem very taxing at all. I am really getting used to walking to the train station which isn't very far away at all 30-40 minutes before my class, and travel for another 15-30 minutes to Caulfield where my campus is.

I like the travel somewhat. The in-between transitions. Allow me to reflect on many many things. And do some people-watching too. It's a good personal time I am cherishing every second.

I feel somewhat pressured to study harder this year. It could be the fact that it is my final year or the fact that I am in another country but whatever it is there is that obligation. Which I do not mind at all to be honest. If it takes something like that to kick me moving, then so be it.

But most importantly, I am having fun. It might pale in comparison to many of my peers who are here but I guess what's important is that I am enjoying my time here. I would guess and hope that the intensity of the 'fun' increases as I become more and more adapted to my life here and maybe by then I would have more exciting and positive things to say about this chapter of my life.

Of course, being me, there are plenty of things to be insecure about, to worry about, to think about.

But I am slowly realising that in time those things should and would become lesser each day and things like that could only benefit me in terms of my overall self-improvement. I'd look at it upon a whole new light.

There are many things which I would sit back and ponder how I would never get the chance to do or experience had I not come overseas this year. It is a very pleasurable, satisfying and mostly fulfilling feeling, knowing how much I am exposed to at this very relatively short period of time. It is honestly, very welcoming especially at this point of my life.

Truthfully, I believed and still believe many people overestimate those 'many things' that I am said to be blinded to or fogged off until now. Truth to be told, the extent of that is overly exaggerated and as impossible as it is to prove them now, I can only just say that I was more prepared than many thought I actually was.

I knew many of the 'new' things I had to face here earlier, and influenced by others or not, I have to say that I do surprise myself with the amount I know sometimes. Regardless, I cannot dispute still the amount of things I have learnt, done, or experience which were only made possible by my period of study here.

It has been a little over a month, maybe a week more, but I honestly feel like I have been here for many months long. I remember how the first relatively miserable week here made me feel like I was in Australia for ages already. I really could not believe that it had only been one week then. And now, a month plus, and as hard as it is to measure, I believe that I have matured a whole lot mentally and emotionally.

Living here can be especially strenuous if you are not careful. What keeps me going at the moment is the thought of home. The thought of graduating with reasonably good grades, and returning to my 'home' - family and friends - helps me to take it all in and move another step forward in the face of adversity.

And thus consequently, it is also that very idea that is pulling me away from the emotional sacrifice I ought to make if I want to continue staying here either for work or for my further studies. In other words, due to my constant longing and thought of home as a source of my motivation, I cannot see how I can stay any longer than my currently fixed period if ultimately what I am reaching for is the return to my home country and to my family and friends.

I guess that answer would suffice many people's queries if I would ever want to continue staying here after this year of my studies.

However, I will not rule out any change of heart throughout the year when I would naturally become more adapted to this chapter of my life.

I am afterall only but a moving wet sponge, constantly absorbing, and changing forms accordingly.

So I guess for now it is 1 month down, another 9 to go.

Bring it on.

So much for blogging for the sake of it.


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