Saturday, June 09, 2007

1 down

Click on the banner to visit my 2nd blog, "look. it's my life".
*It was set up some time ago cause I was too free and now I decided to use that blog to post any compositions of mine over there. Be it a poem(yea rite) or lyrics, film narratives, etc... just keep in mind that blog exists.*


COM1010 a.k.a Media Studies down. Stupid theoretical compulsary first-year unit. Despite it being very very knowledgable and somewhat 'intelligent', it's still a subject which gives me a headache. It's all about the connotation of the denotation.
argh. *pain*

Had a thumping headache today. Eye was bengkak like shit when I took my 2-hr paper. I literally had one eye closed when I was writing my essay. -_-
Not because it was easy ok. But my eye was super bengkak.

It was super uncomfortable. I think I'm never gonna stay up studying on an exam day anymore. The feeling is miserable. Not only I did my exam with only my left eye, but I went home with this headache and had to take a long nap to regain my conciousness.

It's 1.50am now and I feel as though if I sleep now, I would be wasting most of my day. Sigh. Stupid feeling.

So I have Contemporary Worlds 1(the 20th century history subject) test on Monday and my newsroom paper next Friday.

After that, I'm off for a month.

Someone go out with me please. Movie, lunch, supper, anything. Thx. (I know Teck Eng is free.) :)


(blogging cause I am finding an excuse not to start studying)

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