Monday, September 04, 2006

A tribute post

I want to blog, i really do. But for now, all things must come to a halt as this post is gonna be a tribute post to the crocrodile hunter, Steve Irwin who passed away after a tragic accident involving a stingray.

Which stung him in the heart, unfortunately.

Very unfortunately I might add, as I found out the death cases involving stingrays are very very low.
And very unfortunatey too for Steve Irwin as it stung right to his heart.

IF you do not know who Steve Irwin is,
you shouldn't even be... having internet access to be able to read this blog. So I'm assuming everyone who reads this knows who that legendary hunter is.

I used to make fun of his australian accent with my friends. In a good way of course. In a way which still showed my high respect towards his courage facing wildlife.

I stopped watching the television for a while now and he didn't come to my mind at all.
But when mentioned, sure know lah.

A worldwide sensation. Even appeared on the Larry King show on CNN.
And some ads in the cinemas too if you remember.


Condolences to his wife, and 2 kids.

I feel so sorry a great icon for the environment-caring is gone.

RIP Steve Irwin!


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