Thursday, December 31, 2009

The End of a Decade

Sitting here in the dark, with my quilt wrapped around me while it pours heavily outside.

Since my last post, yes, I'm back home. And more on that later.

I was hesitant to write a post because I never really got the chance to gather my thoughts, but here I am. Only because it's the last day of 2009, and I feel obliged to say goodbye to the year that has been.

So.. goodbye 2009.

The rain is getting heavier, it's 7 hours to the new year, and my plans for tonight were just confirmed about an hour ago.

This is it then. Going to get ready now.

This year will forever be remembered as.. the Melbourne year. How original.

I wonder what 2010 will bring. Watch this space.. same time.. same day.. next year.


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