Thursday, August 09, 2007

A gelifying day

One of my worst nightmares came true this afternoon. It's haunting me till now. :(

An adult cockroach crawled my right hand.

I was so gelified and shocked at the same time I just stood still for a couple of seconds, trying to take in what just happened.

I cannot scream like a little girl in front of my uni mates. I had to bear.

I couldn't think of anything else then but to walk straight to the washroom, leaving my stuff and jacket on the table on the way, not thinking about what might happen to my cast-aside belongings.

With the fullest of force from the tap, I washed my hands. With a force almost as powerful as the new washroom taps, I scrubbed every single part of my hand.

It was just a mere 2 seconds when the pest was on me. But it was still on me.

Even up till now when I'm typing this, I'm still pretty much traumatised by the incident.

So. Damn. Gross.

Any little sensation prickling any parts of my body now I will move any limb of mine nearest to the sensation, aggresively.

I don't even want to use my bag anymore. I think I'm going to class tomorrow without a bag.

Ok, that's actually a good idea. So no bag tomorrow.

On another non-gelifying note, on the way back driving from Monash today, the radio station I was listening to suddenly played a song which brought back many happy memories. Non-cockroach related. I couldn't resist the temptation and it wasn't long until I was belting out the song with the loudest of voice possible in my car. I even started to bang my steering wheels to create the 'beat-effect'. I amazed myself. I actually remembered the lyrics to almost the whole song.

For those wanting a little deja vu, here's the song I listened to:-

don't pretend you don't know the lyrics


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