THIS, is cool
4th day of school. Freaking hella tired. :/
Mind can't get used to it yet. Can't get used to anything these past 4 days.
Sleeping hours are screwed up, not used to be doing work, not used to counting numbers...not used to be worrying for something.
I gotta change this. very, very soon. or best, immediately..
The 4 days had been enjoyable, with people being extremely friendly and at least we are taking this year with a bright note. People around me smile more and i hope the smile remain in the upcoming months. Zzz. Was asked to do a new year resolution thing on a piece of paper and write an essay on it after that in english class yest. IT actually made me thought of what i really wish to achieve and want from life esp, this year. School has been full of memories for me and next year it'll be taking a while to get used to the new life after many many years in uniform, morning assemblies, and stuff.
This is actually worrying me. Hmmm. Besides that, freaking sick these past few days. Body must been not working properly cause not used to my new tiring schedule. Sickening. Argh. Had a flu last 3 days and thank god the flu subsided. My voice sounds slightly different! i'm not saying my voice broke. it broke long time ago! Grr.. but u know, flu? it affects ur voice. or something. Arh.
So, American Idol 4 is starting on
Jan 19th. Weee! Damn excited. American Idol is like one of my favourite Idol shows. and yes, i do watch other idol shows online.. Malaysian Idol is not that bad too..we may be lacking the talent but what the heck, i enjoy it cause it's malaysian based. And yea, anyone knows anything about the released Diana Degarmo's CD? If you do, please tell me where can u purchase it. Will appreciate it lots! thx. And yea! i also bought Jaclyn Victor's Gemilang CD. I don't really know what the critics are criticising about the CD, i personally thought the CD was not that bad as reviewed.. there are even a few songs that caught my ears a few times i heard it and i know the lyrics for 1 or 2 songs already. What the heck was wrong with Tunggu Sekejap and When I Fall in love; both songs which are heavily criticised. I thought they were really good and nice to hear. However, Jac's voice may sound a little soft in the CD but nevertheless she sang really well. It's
Jac. And i'm a supporter! =)
Hmm..let's see what else. yea, the reason i've not been updating the blog for a while is because i had an almost 2 months school break and i've been really lazy and my sleeping hours were irregular. I also really had nothing to blog about as i spent most of my time at home, eating, sleeping, TV, computer or the rest of the time i spent in my mum's convenience store, online. I went out with my frens a while but nothing interesting happened that is worth blogging about.
Adrian Chong, my malaysian ex-classmate that went to Aussie to study is back though..n i think that's about it. Went out several times with him to boring ol' pyramid but the outing was kinda fun i thought. HM, my christmas eve and new year's eve celebration was kinda sad. Both occasions i spent my time in
Coffee Bean with 3-4 friends and watched everyone spray each other with colourful foams. I didn't get to join in the fun as only
Kelvin was the only one who seemed interested. The other fren had a boyfren and the boyfren wasn't looking keen. So what the heck, drank coffee and talked. I didn't mind it that much actually, i wasn't bored. I just knew i could had more fun.
And yeah, the Tsunami Disaster was horribly devastating. The death toll is staggering and the amount of homeless people is really really high. I really felt something for them especially when i tuned in to
CNN last week and i saw their little clip of pictures of people suffering, women crying, child confused and injured, men dead. And the suprised people.. woah. I myself was surprised at this tragedy. On Dec 26th afternoon/night, i walked in to my dad's room and i found him watching
CNN. As soon as i stepped into the door, he immediately said, earthquake in
Indonesia, effects felt in
Malaysia. At first i was really skeptic and was like, wtf? earthquake in malaysia? what happened to the facts i learned in Geography class last year about the Pacific Ring of Fire or something? and the stuff they were praising on how malaysia was freaking safe from all these and all. and stuff i knew since i was very young! But nevertheless, a small part of malaysia did feel it. Believe it or not, i know people who came running down from their hostels or apartments cause they felt the ground shake. I wouldnt think it'll be such a coincidence for any construction errors to occur at the same time. Ok, Maybe the earthquake didn't start in the
Malaysia area. But it did affect
Malaysia. And that's something. So the 8.9 earthquake wasn't the news of the year. The tsunamis that was formed from the earthquake was. Before any warning, countried around the indian ocean was affected by the devastating tsunamis. The damage caused will only be repaired after a very very long time. The hearts broken will be the hardest to mend.
Still, after so many days of reports in newspaper about the increasing deathtolls, the silver lining is that a few miraculous survivor stories are being recorded at the moment. Some exceptional especially the ones which caught my eye were the baby who was on the matress, the 9day at sea on a coconut tree and the one where the woman spent a long time casted away but was still thinking about her husband. I hope there are many more of those survivors still waiting to be found. And hopefully with god's will they will be found very soon. A sad event for mankind but it has happened, and people have to move on in life. I just wish the damage caused on the country and the people is hopefully the most minimal it can be.
As i sign out, let's just all have a moment for the people who had lost their lives in this tragic incident and pray for the ones who had lost their family members, homes and everything in their lives. May light be casted upon them to guide time and let them live their rest of their lives with the least misery possible. May help be given to them to help them survive and to not suffer. May the world learnt something from this tragic incident because there are many where one moment u were enjoying yourselves with your loved ones, one moment they're all gone.
Finally, Good luck to those who are facing any obstacles. Just remember, they're all part of life and in the long run, they are actually things that would shape up your life.